The financial benefits include:

  • Lower member-rates re fees to attend dinner-meetings (which generally include a PD component relevant to private practice). These can be expected to occur every 2 months.
  • Similarly, lower member rates for other IPPP events, such as seminars and conferences.

The professional benefits include:

  • Receiving the newsletter, which includes information (relating to running a private practice.
  • The opportunity to directly influence policy matters that impact on private practice (through your vote as a member, or involvement at Executive Committee level).
  • Opportunity to network with other Private Practitioners,

The social benefits include:

  • Closer personal contact with others in private practice, which, unfortunately, is often a very solitary pursuit.

IPPP membership supports the work undertaken on behalf of the profession that is vital to sustaining viable private practice. In fact, this can be seen as a primary reason for joining, over and above the other benefits noted above. For example, liaison and negotiation with the RTWSA Corporation about fees and practice guidelines, liaison with private health insurers, writing submission to Psychology Board of Australia paper submissions and other influential bodies.

The IPPP has made a significant impact/contribution in these areas in its 31 years of operation.

Membership is maintained through an annual membership subscription fee, which is due on the 30th June.